The 2022 Strategy
In the wake of COP26, it is clear that the Conservative government has failed the nation and planet in responding to the global call for action. Instead of fundamental, considered, developed plans, we received theatrics and pledges without substantive policy. In response, we recognised the need to relaunch the Green Liberal Democrats as an autonomous campaigning, governing, and research body.
When we were founded as the Liberal Ecology Group in 1977, we had to be those that warned others of the burgeoning climate degradation. We were right. But we no longer need to fulfil that role. Empassioned advocates such as Sir David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg have demonstrated to the public the profound danger we are in.
We are aware of the problem. It is now the turn of the Green Liberal Democrats to demonstrate solutions. First, we launched Special Interest Groups, interrogating specific policy and engaging with the delivery of climate initiatives.
Today, we relaunch GLB, with all of the same content that you joined for – Challenge Magazine, our blog commentaries, our advocacy for pragmatic, liberal solutions – and a new offering of campaigning and governing material. Let’s walk you through what that means for you.
Membership options:
Alongside your supporter membership, we provide a second offering for Councillors, MPs, Peers and candidates. To those with the privilege of designing and enforcing policy, we provide green policy and motions, support from our network, and access to campaign materials, strategy, and endorsements.
Members will now have access to a wealth of content advocating for civic and political change, through leaflets, strategy guides, templates, as well as resources to establish Local Ecology Groups and build grassroots support in your communities for environmental progress. If you want to campaign against a coal mine in your constituency? Talk to us, use our templates, and work with our expert team of green liberalism activists.
Members will be offered a variety of guidance for those in local and national government. Working with council partners and the work of our SIGs, Conference engagement, and researchers, we will provide best practice content, policy papers and green motions at all local authority levels. Green policy advice from our team will be accessible from 10-1600 through Monday to Friday for councillors or candidates, providing you as much support as possible to deliver for your communities.
Here you will find the content you know and love; blogs from our members, MPs, Peers, researchers and journalists. Commentary on current affairs, government and Party approaches to climate policy, and reports from our SIGs. Here you will find our Challenge magazine, with guest editors, Greeneralia, and reports from our executive on the direction and success of GLD.
Now, we need your help. We need our supporters, councillors, and activists to let us know what you want to see going forward. How can we add value to your environmental campaigns?